Intelligent Paint Kitchen System

Take full control of your paint mix room with the Intelligent Paint Kitchen. It’s a smart set of sensors, actuators and control modules that communicate with each other to optimize industrial paint supply and circulation. It allows pump control, tank control, and overall (remote) control.

Cost-Effective Control of Electric and Pneumatic Pumps

Tank Control, Pump Control, and Overall Control

Factory paint kitchen diagram highlights different areas of control. Tank control is in yellow. Pump control is in blue. Overall or remote control is in green.
Tank Control Maintains Quality Tank Control Maintains Quality Tank Control Maintains Quality

Tank Control Maintains Quality

The Tank Control Module allows monitoring and control of tank levels and agitator speeds. This keeps paint viscosity consistent, resulting in a top quality finish you can count on.

Pump Control Optimizes Quality Pump Control Optimizes Quality Pump Control Optimizes Quality

Pump Control Optimizes Quality

Fluid pressure and flow rates are controlled by the Pump Control Module. It keeps your pressure and flow stable and in balance, ensures optimal paint feed to the applicators, and reduces paint shear.

Overall (Remote) Control Improves Safety Overall (Remote) Control Improves Safety Overall (Remote) Control Improves Safety

Overall (Remote) Control Improves Safety

The Supervisor Box and HMI Touchscreen allow you to remotely control the paint mix room and easily access critical paint circulation data from outside the hazardous area. This not only improves worker safety, it provides real-time information that can be used to improve the environment.


Intelligent paint kitchen system components

Paint agitators


Properly mixing material is the first step in industrial finishing success. Graco offers industrial agitators and agitator motors that fit all kinds of containers and applications.


E-Flo DC 2-Ball Pumps

Dual control electric supply pump performs well under high pressure (up to 3000 psi or 206 bar). Adding advanced control optimizes fluid pressure and flow rates, especially with Intelligent Paint Kitchen technology.


E-Flo DC 4-Ball Pumps

Ideal for small to medium circulation systems with up to 2000 cc per cycle outputs, this dual control electric pump minimizes pulsation with its unique four-ball lower. Advanced control adds easy integration with Intelligent Paint Kitchen technology.


Endura-Flo Pumps

Choose between Graco’s Endura-Flo Extended Pressure 4:1 models or Extended Durability 3:1.


Fluid Pressure & Air Regulators

Precise fluid control is crucial to any finishing process. Graco's proven line of fluid and back pressure regulators can meet all of your finishing needs.

Glutton bellows pump

Glutton Pumps

Graco’s Glutton bellows seal design pump handles a broad range of coatings. The external check allows for quick maintenance for materials that pack or mat out easily.


High-Flo 4-Ball Pumps

High-Flo 4-Ball pneumatic pumps are designed to handle tough finishing applications, run longer and give you outstanding performance.


Triton 1:1 Pumps

Graco’s Triton 1:1 Pumps offer a more effective alternative to traditional pressure pots and standard diaphragm pumps. By utilizing air-operated diaphragm technology, this spray package applies a high quality, decorative finish to wood and metal.

Intelligent Paint Kitchen Resources

Intelligent Control

Intelligent Control

Learn how to optimize your factory paint mix room without spending a lot of money on new equipment.

Intelligence is Powerful

Intelligence is Powerful

Intelligent, easy-to-use products make more intelligent paint room operations.

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