Free Webinar Series

Plant Productivity 1

Exposing the Hidden Costs of Agitators

Available on-demand | Watch anytime

For established manufacturing plants, taking a hard look at compressed air use uncovers easy ways to save money and improve productivity. Out of any paint mix room equipment, the often un-noticed agitator usually uses the most air.

This 45-minute webinar covers:

  • why certain kinds of paint agitators use so much air
  • how to audit air consumption in your industrial paint kitchen
  • ways other manufacturers have cut compressed air costs and improved productivity

Experts also answer questions about optimizing compressed air consumption and agitator use in factory paint mix rooms.

Webinar Recording

Plant Productivity 1 is available on-demand to watch at any time.



This is the first in a series of free webinars about improving plant productivity. You also can watch these recordings online at any time:

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