QUANTM Simplified ROI Calculator
See how much you can save by converting to QUANTM pumps.
ROI Calculator
Interested in going electric?
In three easy questions, calculate how much you could save by converting your facility to Graco electric double-diapragm pumps.
1) What industry are you in?
Based on your industry, we can set some default system requirments, like pump size, flow rate, and fluid pressure. Got a highly customized setup? Try our Advanced Configurator.
2) How many pumps do you have?
We'll estimate your savings based on number and energy consumption of the pumps you already own.
3) What is your energy cost?
We’ll estimate your energy savings based on your energy price.
Yearly Operational Savings:
Check out our Advanced ROI Calculator for a more in-depth analysis of how much you can save.
Start OverAir Diaphragm Pump

Yearly Hours of Operation:
Power Consumed:
Yearly Cost of Operation:
Electric Diaphragm Pump

Yearly Hours of Operation:
Power Consumed:
Yearly Cost of Operation:
The size of pumps used for these calculations is an estimate based on typical plant usage in the market. Assumed pump operation of 8 hours/day, 5 days/week, 50 weeks/year.
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