Spray any kind of pattern with the ProBell blended shaping air
See how shaping air and settings give you full control of your spraying patterns.
Spraying patterns are crucial when it comes to the efficiency of your spraying process. While some objects may require a soft and wide pattern, other surfaces need to be sprayed with a denser and stronger paint flow. Shaping air plays a vital role in creating these patterns.
Graco’s ProBell® Rotary Bell Atomiser provides blended shaping air. The combination of inner and outer shaping air results in a range of patterns for any spraying context. Graco’s ProBell system comes with optional controllers that enable users to control these shaping airs at all times.
This infographic explains in detail how the inner and outer shaping air affect the flow of paint:

Are you ready to experience consistent high-precision spraying? Click the link below to discover our product range and to explore all the ProBell’s components and features.
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