Outil de RSI de l’automatisation

Quel retour sur investissement pouvez-vous attendre en automatisant vos lignes de peinture ? Calculer vos économies.


Before Automation

After Automation

Painters per shift
Number of shifts
Hours per shift
Labor rate per hour including healthcare and benefits
Working days per year
Overtime premium expense per year
Worker preparation (hours per year)
Worker training, meetings, and downtime (hours per year)
Cost of managing painters (% of time x salary)

Process Improvement

Parts per hour
Productivity improvement (increased line speed, reduced downtime)
Parts per year

Materials, Solvent, and Consumables

Paint and solvent consumption per year
Waste disposal expense per year
Booth filtration, waste water, and other consumables
Material efficiency improvement with automation (typically 15-30%)
Worker personal protection equipment cost


Rejected parts per year
Reject rate improvement
Average rejected part cost
Cost to scrap or rework per part
Scrap and rework cost total
Warranty expense due to poor paint quality


Total labor cost per year
Total material and consumable cost per year
Labor cost per part
Material cost per part
Total cost per part


Automation equipment investment