Electrostatic paint gun case study: Piston upgraded performance and product quality
To solve the quality painting issues with its automatic electrostatic gun and to increase paint savings, Piston integrated the new Pro Xpc Auto electrostatic air spray gun into its production line. Thanks to the spray gun’s enhanced performance and wraparound effect, the company is saving 40% on paint consumption and has improved product quality.
Turkish company Piston manufactures gas springs that are used in deck lids, passenger seats and engine bonnets on cars, buses and lorries. It also manufactures gas springs used in the cabins and lids of working machines, in furniture and in some industrial applications.
Paint improvement and savings
The company was experiencing quality issues with the quick disconnection mount of the automatic electrostatic gun on its reciprocator. It also wanted to save on paint consumption and improve the wrapping effect.
Convinced after demonstration of 40% paint savings
Local Graco distributor Altekma offered to demonstrate the Graco Pro Xpc Auto at Piston’s facility, as they considered it the ideal gun for the challenges Piston were facing. After this half-day demonstration, Piston noticed a 40% saving on paint consumption.
They immediately bought the gun and are very satisfied with the Pro Xpc Auto’s performance. Not only does it generate savings on paint consumption, but it also increases the quality of the gas springs, due to better wrapping.
- Quality issues with the quick disconnection mount of a competitive automatic electrostatic gun
- Aiming to save more on paint consumption with a better wraparound effect
- Onsite demo of the Pro Xpc Auto electrostatic air spray gun with our local distributor to show results first hand
- 40% paint savings after ½ day of testing
- Improved spray quality
Keys to success
- Onsite testing was so convincing that the distributor left their facilities with the order confirmed
- Better performance from our Pro Xpc compared to their previous installed gun

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