HB Fuller HL 9672LT
Polyurethane reactive hot melt | HB Fuller

Material supplier:
HB Fuller®
Panel lamination
Composite panel doors - bonding aluminium fascia by roll-coating double-sided honeycomb panels with polyurethane reactive hot melt. Adhesive is dispensed and held in troughs between the coating rolls and their companion doctor rolls, top and bottom. Larger rolls coat the substrate moving between the rolls.
Material specs
- HL 9672LT
- Rapidex™ reactive hot melt
- One component polyurethane reactive hot melt
Typical properties:
- Colour: Tan
- Viscosity: 26,000 cps (10.5 grams; 27/5/275°F)
- Viscosity: 36,000 cps (10.5 grams; 27/2.5/260°F)
- Optimal adhesion: 10 sec to 4 min
- Recommended application temperature range: 260°F to 275°F (127°C to 135°C)
- Shelf life: 270 days
Graco Equipment
- Therm-O-Flow® 200 with the following:
- T23 (23:1) NXT® air motor
- Mega-Flo™ heated platen
- White silicon t-wiper upper and lower pneumatic ram
- Eight heat zones
HB Fuller and Rapidex are registered trademarks of the HB Fuller Company.
The highest throughput capacity in the industry
With a throughput capability 200% better than the leading competitor, Therm-O-Flow® bulk hot melt systems from Graco outperform the competition time after time and provide the best performing industrial bulk melt systems on the market. Therm-O-Flow’s advanced temperature control capability virtually eliminates overheated material, resulting in better adhesive quality and reduced rework due to degraded material. Learn more about the Therm-O-Flow 200.