Corrugated Cardboard

Corrugated cardboard manufacturers face the challenge of optimising production processes to minimise waste and energy consumption without compromising efficiency. Navigate these challenges to remain competitive in an environmentally conscious market by partnering with Graco.

Fuel Transfer

Without pumps, the corrugated cardboard industry would grind to a halt. Pumps mix, transfer and circulate your glue. Air-operated pumps are the logical choice, but what if there would be a greener and more cost-efficient solution. Find out why leading companies in your field have already switched from air to electric. And how our glue pumps reduce downtime, simplify maintenance and make your processes greener.


Why choose an electric-driven double-diaphragm glue pump for corrugated cardboard manufacturing?

QUANTM isn’t just another glue pump: it’s a game-changer. QUANTM features a revolutionary electric motor design that will reduce operational costs and keep your glue transfer lines running. It is a perfect fit for nearly any fluid application and a drop-in replacement for existing pumping technologies.

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