Pulse Software Integrations
System Setup
Frequently Asked Questions
Activation fees are a one-time fee paid for new DMS integration accounts, the fee pricing varies based on the specific DMS partner. To find specific pricing for each DMS please reach out to your local Graco distributor or Graco representative.
A one-time activation fee can be paid directly to Graco through dms.gracopulse.com or an activation code can be purchased through a local Graco distributor. Both options will require creating a Pulse integration account at dms.gracopulse.com, agreeing to terms and conditions and using a major credit card for fees.
A monthly integration fee is paid directly to Graco through dms.gracopulse.com and will require a major credit card. Fee pricing varies based on the specific DMS partner, for specific pricing please contact your local Graco distributor or Graco representative. The first billing will occur when the activation setup email is sent by Graco and will occur monthly thereafter.
Cancellation of the interface can be done at dms.gracopulse.com through the Pulse integration account. See the interface agreement for additional details.
Support is available via email at pulse@graco.com or by calling LED Tech Assistance at 844-241-9503.
Dispense data, dispense authorization and posting messages are sent between the systems, including work order number, fluid part number, fluid quantity and, optionally, fluid price, oil filter and other dispense-related items.
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