Recycling and Energy Center Relies on 1956 Fire-Ball Grease Pump

Thirty-four years dedicating his service to the same recycling and energy center year in and year out — that’s a commitment. Alongside the equipment he and his company rely on day in and day out, one piece stands out to the Graco distributor visiting the center: the 1956 Fire-Ball® grease pump.

The longtime employee, Joe H. of Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy (R&E), was surprised to learn from the distributor that this pump, used daily to grease trailer doors, loaders, yard tractors and most of the rolling stock equipment, was anywhere near that old. Maybe that’s because since the day he started he has never noticed this pump being serviced, let alone repaired. Now, Graco does not recommend avoiding preventive service checks, but this is a testament to the quality Fire-Ball pumps have been known for since the year they were released.

When R&E acquired a grease rack about 20 years ago, this Fire-Ball grease pump became the daily workhorse of the portable greasing unit. Joe explains that they “bring in anywhere from 400,000 to 500,000 tons of municipal solid waste, and we process it here, turning it into fuel for electricity.” He adds, “Of course, between the rolling stock, all the conveyors, all the bearings …, everything needs grease. But because we had this one on wheels, … we would run it on the outside of the shop to do trailers, do loaders, do whatever, you know. It was kind of a do-all type of thing.”

Graco is dedicated to delivering the highest-quality products and services and to excelling at quality every day in everything we do. This Fire-Ball pump is a prime example of Graco quality, but when Joe was asked if he had anything else to add about the pump, we think he said it all: “We don’t use anything but Graco for the obvious reasons — longevity and [they’re always] working properly.”

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