Graco Foundation
Committed to Communities Where We Work
Pictured on the right is Grant Nelson, working at the 2023 Paint-a-Thon. Graco has been particpating in the Metro Paint-a-thon for over 20 years, which as of 2019 has transitioned to being led by the Hearts and Hammer organization. This program helps income-eligible Senior Citizens, Disabled Adults, and Veterans of the United States Armed Forces or their Surviving Spouse so that they may continue living independently. Each summer, teams of volunteers paint and repairs the home's exterior for those who are not able to do the maintenance themselves.
The Graco Foundation’s mission is to support local nonprofit organizations to grow in their ability to serve community needs through grants focused on capital projects, specific programs and technology needs. .
Graco prioritizes local organizations, especially close to our U.S. facilities, that have a proven track record of enabling people to become self-sufficient and more productive. It places emphasis on educational programs; especially STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math); and human service programs promoting workforce and youth development.
In 2024, the Graco Foundation’s contributions reached $1,594,558.

Dollars for Doers
Each year, our employees volunteer many hours of their personal time to help their favorite nonprofit causes. To recognize and support these important and worthwhile volunteer hours, we donate $20 per hour to any eligible nonprofit organization where an eligible employee has volunteered, up to an annual maximum of $1,000 per employee, per organization. Time contributed by spouses and dependents of the employee can also be counted toward these hours.
Dollars for Doers support in 2024 totaled $96,214.
Graco Gives
The Graco Foundation encourages employees to give back to the community by participating in charitable giving, and we match all eligible donations dollar for dollar up to $2,500 per employee per calendar year. In 2024, we provided a $2-for-1 match on the first $500 donated by the employee. The $2-for-1 match on the first $500 donated continues for 2025.
In 2024, we gave $192,344 in matching gifts to 474 nonprofit organizations through the Graco Gives program. And, $96,214 was awarded to various non-profit organizations were $20 is awarded for each volunteer hour up to 50 hours per organization.
Graco Scholarship Program
As today’s students enter our workforce, they are facing new challenges and opportunities never before imaginable. At Graco, we recognize the contributions of these students and the important role that education plays in their development. The Graco Scholarship Program gives us an opportunity to invest in the education of employees’ children around the world. In 2024, the Graco Foundation awarded scholarships to employee's children totalling $196,000 and funded scholarships to 4 year colleges and technical schools in the areas where Graco has facilities totaling $286,000.
2024 Awarded Grants
One-Time Capacity-Building Grants
- Achieve Twin Cities: $30,000
- Anoka Tech: $80,000
- Avenues for Youth: $150,000
- Cristo Rey High School - First Robotics: $15,000
- Dunwoody Pathways to Careers: $15,000
- Dunwoody: 140,000
- Edison High School - First Robotics: $25,000
- Hearts & Hammers: $15,000
- Manufacturing Day: $4,000
- Anoka High School: $500
- Buffalo High School: $500
- Camden High School: $500
- Cristo Rey Jesuit High School: $500
- Exploration High School: $500
- Robbinsdale Cooper High School: $500
- Rogers High School: $500
- Wayzata High School: $500
- Minnesota Independence College: $150,000
- Summit Academy: $200,000
Scholarship Grants
- Alexandria Technical College: $10,000
- Anoka Technical College: $10,000
- Anoka Technical College - Addtl Scholars: 33,500
- Dunwoody College of Technology: $10,000
- Erie Institute of Technology: $10,000
- Kettering University: $10,000
- Lake Area Technical Institute: $10,000
- Minneapolis Community & Technical College: $10,000
- Minnesota Private College Fund: $42,500
- Mountainland Technical College: $10,000
- North Dakota State University: $10,000
- Page Foundation: $15,000
- Powder Coating Institute: $5,000
- Saint Paul College: $10,000
- Southeast Technical College: $10,000
- South Dakota School of Mines and Technology: $10,000
- South Dakota State University: $10,000
- Stark State College Foundation: $10,000
- University of Akron: $10,000
- University of Minnesota - Duluth: $10,000
- University of Minnesota - Twin Cities: $20,000
- University of St. Thomas: $10,000
- University of Wisconsin – Stout: $10,000
Grant Requests
The Graco Foundation accepts new grant applications by invitation only. No unsolicited grant requests will be accepted.
In order to have the resources to address these focus areas and have a significant impact on grantee organizations, the Foundation has a preference for large one-time capacity building grants rather than operating grants. The maximum commitment per capital campaign is generally $150,000. Additionally, grants within a two-year period are generally not considered.
If the Graco Foundation invites your organization to submit a grant request, please include a cover letter, on organizational letterhead, describing your program and how it fits our focus areas. In addition, each proposal should contain:
- brief description of the organization's history;
- program objectives;
- clients served;
- budget, including program expenses and revenue sources;
- program evaluation methods and results;
- list of corporate and foundation donors;
- list of the Board of Directors;
- copy of 501(c)(3) or other tax-exempt confirmation;
- copy of most recent IRS form 990; and
- copy of most recent audit.
The Graco Foundation requires all grantees to complete a final project report. Reports must be completed no later than one year after the initial grant payment. Organizations with overdue final reports are ineligible to apply for future funding until the final report is received and approved by Foundation staff.
Final reports should include the following information:
- brief summary of project and an outline of original goals and objectives;
- details of project accomplishments including outcomes, evaluation methods and impact on organization;
- description of population served through the project - including numbers and demographics;
- explanation of any unanticipated changes and/or problems and how they were resolved; and
- project budget including actual income and expenses (please include original budget and list of additional funders).
The Foundation focus does not allow grants for:
- organizations or causes that do not directly impact Graco communities;
- political campaigns;
- individuals;
- religious organizations for religious purposes;
- fund-raising;
- travel;
- special events, dinners, courtesy advertising;
- fraternal organizations;
- staff or personnel overhead;
- national or local campaigns for disease research;
- first time general operating grants; or
- product donations
Contact Us
Graco Foundation
P.O. Box 1441
Minneapolis, MN 55440-1441