Optimised paint line for a large wheel manufacturer

Graco distributor Mewes Oberflächentechnik, near Hannover, Germany, was contacted by a large wheel manufacturer to help them optimise and improve their paint line for large wheel hubs with the objective to become VOC-compliant.

The manufacturer produces up to 25,000 wheels every year and is one of the largest suppliers of specialist wheels in Europe. The wheels are manufactured for agricultural and construction vehicles and attain speeds of up to 80km/h. Customers of the manufacturer can choose any RAL colour to paint the large wheels, however, standard colours are red, yellow and silver.

The first step to being VOC-compliant involved switching to a 2K PUR high solid topcoat paint. The primer, still 1K, but should in the future also be 2K, will then be treated wet-on-wet with the topcoat. Every year, around 14 tonnes of 1K and 24 tonnes of 2K high solids are processed.

Graco technology as a solution

In the paint shop, old technology was replaced with new 2K Graco technology. In the topcoat area, a Graco ProMix 2KS with a four-colour high-pressure integrator was installed. In order to reduce the flushing time and flushing flow rate, the mixing unit was mounted as closely as possible to the booths. In addition, the mixing units were installed in a cabinet to protect them from any overspray. This saved several metres of hose in the mixing area.

The three main colours are now transported with Graco Merkur pumps from 200-litre barrels to the ProMix 2KS. Agitators on the 200-litre barrels ensure that the high solid paint is always homogeneously stirred. The hardener, which is pressurised with nitrogen in the 800-litre container, is transported using a Merkur Bellows pump to the ProMix 2KS. Separate fluid pressure regulators ensure that the correct pressure can be set for each fluid.

The maintenance of the ProMix 2KS takes place every six months (dosing valves, mixers, check valves). Maintenance of the pumps takes place quarterly (filters and change of the purge compound).


  • Paint type: 2K High Solid PUR
  • Viscosity: 40 sec. DIN/4 (mixed)
  • MV: 5.3:1 n. Vol.
  • Pot life: 2 hours

Improving efficiency

By using the Graco installation, the wheel manufacturer has saved a great deal of time and solvent. Flexibility has also increased, as a special colour can be prepared in the system while a standard colour is still being painted. In addition, data concerning the usage of the ProMix 2KS can be downloaded to update the balance of solvent, thereby resulting in a consistent high-quality finish.


  • Tip: 413
  • Fluid pressure: 80-100 bar
  • Atomising pressure: 2.5 bar
  • Bundled hoses: 5m long NW 4
  • Permanent colour change: 20 seconds



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