16 kg. (35 lb.) Pail Cover - Cylinder, Tie-Rods, Base to Convert 27 kg. (60 lb.) Length to 16 kg. (35 lb.) Bucket

Part Number: 77X513

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16 kg. (35 lb.) Pail Cover - Cylinder, Tie-Rods, Base to Convert 27 kg. (60 lb.) Length to 16 kg. (35 lb.) Bucket

Part Number: 77X513

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Cover, cylinder, tie-rods and base to convert 27 kg. (60 lb.) length to 16 kg. (35 lb.) bucket.

Specifications & Documents

Technical Specifications

Convert to Imperial
For Use With Dyna-StarпїЅ HP and HF Pumps
Opening Type With Bung Hole
Type Drum Cover
For Use With Dyna-StarпїЅ HP and HF Pumps
Opening Type With Bung Hole
Type Drum Cover


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